Get Better Sleep on Your Serta Mattress on International Yoga Day

Get Better Sleep on Your Serta Mattress on International Yoga Day

Get Better Sleep on Your Serta Mattress on International Yoga Day

Getting good sleep is one of the most important things you can do in your life. With good sleep comes a multitude of health benefits that are needed for your mind and body to flourish in life. Unfortunately, having an old or just plain bad mattress can put a hinder on these efforts. That’s why Serta Mattresses are intricately made so that individuals with all body types and sleep preferences can have a bed that suits them and their specific lifestyle. Another way to help with your sleeping patterns is by adding a little yoga into your life. International Yoga Day on June 21, is a great reminder to meditate and destress so when it’s time for sleep, you’re already halfway there.

1. Use Yoga to take the stress out of your day

If work isn’t stressing you out, maybe it’s the kids, or even just trying to get to the laundry done. After a couple yoga stretches, all those worries seem to just float away. Yoga has the power to reduce stress by lowering the levels of cortisol in the brain. If you’re someone who can’t stop thinking about what chores need to get done the next day while you’re in bed, doing a little bit of yoga before sleep could be just the extra help you need.

2. Use Yoga to create a bedtime ritual

Our bodies like to work on a schedule. In fact, you can train your body to get tired and to wake up at specific times. Unfortunately, that only works if your mind and body are actually tired. By doing a little meditation and stretching every night at the same time, you’ll find that you’re falling asleep naturally on a regular basis.

3. Use Yoga to relieve pain

If you suffer from arthritis, tendonitis, or other physical discomforts, doing yoga in the evening is better than taking an aspirin every night before bed. Yoga is a natural pain reliever. With consistent practice, it can increase flexibility as well as improving joint mobility and other painful ailments. When you go to sleep, your body shouldn’t be struggling to find slumber because it can’t control the body aches. It should be falling in between the cycles of light, deep, and REM sleep without being disturbed by pain. The combination of a new bed and yoga could be just the mix you need. A supportive Serta Mattress along with doing yoga every night, can be very restorative to your mind and body. Take care of your body with the use of yoga and your body will respond by dozing off.

4. Use Yoga to clear your head

Sometimes our brains just won’t keep quiet as we try to drift off to dreamland. Meditation through yoga uses a lot of special breathing techniques that soothe the mind and push out the negative thoughts.

Yoga is all about connecting your mind, body, and soul so that when it’s time for bed, your entire being will naturally crave it. While yoga can fix a lot of your problems, it can’t fix an old, lumpy, and uncomfortable bed. A new Serta Mattress has the power to support and conform to your body with cushiony memory foam layers. The combination of yoga and a new Serta bed could be what you need to get that perfect sleep, every single night.