Category: Sleep

Miller’s Furniture is now a Certified Tempur-Pedic Dealer!
We have exciting news! To help you get the best night’s sleep, we are adding Tempur-Pedic mattresses to our collection! For over 30 years Tempur-Pedic has been developing breakthrough technologies to help you sleep better. Every Tempur-Pedic mattress has two shared core components – a comfort layer and a support layer. Let us help you

4 Sleep Tips for When You’re Stuck in Your Serta Bed with the Flu
Ah…ah…choo! Flu season is in full swing, and there’s nothing worse than waking up in the morning with a scratch in the back of your throat and that groggy feeling that signals that the plague is only hours away. Of course, that’s not to say that you are totally defenseless against the evil onslaught that

The Best Size Serta Mattress for Every Lifestyle
The size of your bed can have a big impact on your sleep, but making sure you’re choosing the right size is a majorly overlooked part of mattress shopping. There’s no single size that’s best for everyone – especially when you get a Serta mattress, you’ll be getting a great quality bed no matter what

5 Drinks That Disrupt Sleeping on a Serta
Serta mattresses are designed to help you get the best sleep possible. They do have the cute, adorable sheep as their mascot, remember? And nothing helps people sleep more than sheep. But, even though Serta mattress are top of the line, there are still things that are beyond even your mattress’s magical powers that can

5 Ways to Upgrade Your Room for a Better Night’s Sleep
Sleep is so, so important. There’s nothing quite like waking up well-rested after a perfect night’s sleep. The only problem is that for most people, nights like that tend to be few and far between. Everybody’s life is busy, but that’s no excuse to keep continually sacrificing sleep. If you feel like it’s been eons

4 Ways to Stay Cool with a Serta Mattress this Summer
Summer can be stifling. There’s nothing worse than trying to sleep when you are sweating and stuck to your sheets, rolling around and tossing and turning through a way-too-hot summer night. You aren’t alone: Summer nights – while a catchy song – can make for some of the worst sleep of the year. And the

5 Reasons You Should Make Your Bed Every Morning
Wake up, sleepy head. The sun’s about to come up, you’ve snoozed your alarm four times already, and someone needs to make the kids’ breakfasts and lunches before they grab the bus and run off to school. That’s a lot to do in the morning, but don’t forget another important task: Be sure to make

How Sleep Deprivation Affects Your Diet
How Sleep Deprivation Affects Your Diet There are a lot of factors that go into getting a good night’s rest. Room temperature, how comfortable your mattress is, lighting, stress, and how many times your partner kicks you in the night, can all have detrimental effects on the quality of a person’s sleep. What you might