5 Reasons You Should Make Your Bed Every Morning

5 Reasons You Should Make Your Bed Every Morning

Wake up, sleepy head. The sun’s about to come up, you’ve snoozed your alarm four times already, and someone needs to make the kids’ breakfasts and lunches before they grab the bus and run off to school. That’s a lot to do in the morning, but don’t forget another important task: Be sure to make the bed.

Yes, it’s a pain. Yes, it’s something that none of us want to deal with, especially first thing in the morning when everyone is running around and there are other things that tend to take precedence.

But, there are a lot of reasons why making your bed should make its way to the top of your morning routine to-do list, even if you are crunched for time. So, here’s some good things that will come your way if you make some time to make your bed every morning.

Produce productivity

If we told you that you could inject a powerful potion of productivity right into your veins every morning, wouldn’t you do it? There would probably be a line down the block of people waiting to sign right up and try a magical elixir of productivity.

Well, there’s no secret or magic here. According to Charles Duhigg in “The Power of Habit,” making your bed is correlated with better productivity.

So, put down those Monster Energy drinks and that third cup of morning espresso and try making your bed instead.

Less active allergies

Allergies can be a pain, and nobody wants their bed to become a hot spot of allergy aggravation.

But, if you make your bed and securely cover up your sheets, allergens won’t be able to enter the neatly made fortress of sheets, blankets, and pillows. Your bed will be piled up like Fort Knox, with all the annoying allergies stuck outside, unable to cross the moat or drawbridge and make it into your royal sleep kingdom.

Oh well. Nobody has sympathy for allergens, anyways. Good riddance.

It might actually improve your sleep

According to a National Sleep Foundation poll, people who made their beds also said that they got better sleep. And honestly, how long does making your bed take, 30 seconds? It’s worth those 30 seconds for some better sleep, isn’t it? Of course it is.

You won’t have to do it later

Get it out of the way. Rip that bandage off. Nobody wants to make their bed when they come home from a long day of work, especially if they are only a few more hours away from jumping in it and messing it up again.

Instead, make your bed early in the morning and immediately cross it off your mental to-do list. You won’t have to worry about it later, and you’ll come home to a bed that’s already nice and neat.

You’ll feel better about yourself

Isn’t a messy bed a sad bed? We certainly think so, and there’s just something unfinished and lonely looking about a bed with sheets all askew and not made. But, if you take those few moments to make your bed, you’ll feel a sense of pride – and accomplishment – that you actually made your bed in the morning. It starts your day off, literally, on the right side of the bed.

As for waiting to make it until your partner wakes up, or just wrapping them inside a bed burrito while they are still asleep, that part is entirely up to you. There’s no science on either side of that issue.

Thinking about changing up your mattress to match the unbeatable comfort of a freshly made bed? Stop by our store to see (and try out) our wide selection!