Spring Cleaning Tips for your Home
As the weather begins to change from cloudy to blue skies and as we begin to open our windows, we are reminded that our homes need a bit of cleaning. We put together a few reminders for you on what may need a deep cleaning this spring.

- Clean Baseboards
- Dust
- Vacuum/Mop
- Shampoo Rugs
- Wipe Walls and Ceilings
- Clean Furniture
- Clean and Flip Cushions
- Flip and Rotate Mattresses
- Pillows
- Under Cushions
- Clean Exterior Doors
- Wash Curtains
- Deep Clean Windows, Trim, and Screens
- Clean Lights and Ceiling Fans
- Check Batteries in Smoke Detectors
- Check to see if your Fire Extinguisher needs to be replaced (Replace every 10-12 years.)

- Clean out Kitchen Pantry
- Clean Oven
- Clean Refrigerator and Freezer
- Clean cabinets
- Wash Shower Liner
- Clean Under your Bed
- Clean out Bedroom Closet and Coat Closet
- Clean Out Broken Toys and Electronics
- Clean Out Toys and Electronics that are no longer being used
- Clean out File Cabinet
- Clean Computer
- Clean out Office Supplies
- Clean Laundry Room: Washer, Dryer, Shelves, Cabinets
Where to Donate Items in Clinton County, Pennsylvania
While cleaning out, did you find gently used items (household appliances, clothes, toys, electronics, furniture, etc.) that you feel another family could benefit from? Consider donating those items.
- American Rescue Workers in Lock Haven
- Goodwill in Lock Haven
- Goodwill in Renovo
- Goodwill Drop Off in Mill Hall
- Clothing Donation Bin next to Walmart in Mill Hall
- Roads to Peace (Women’s Shelter) in Lock Haven
- Clinton County SPCA (Animal Products) in Lock Haven
- Precise for Pets (Animal Products) in Lock Haven
- Bella’s Enduring Hope Cat Sanctuary (Cat Products) in Lock Haven
- Salvation Army in Renovo
- Fire Departments (Victims of Fires)
- Food Banks
- Churches
- Car/Tractor Tires
- Electronics
- Paper Shredding Events
- Recycle Prom Dresses/Evening Wear at Local High Schools
- Recycle Instruments at Local High Schools