Category: Winter

Brighten a Dark Home in the Winter Months
Proper lighting makes a home feel vibrant and joyful. Regardless of the size of your house or apartment, you can brighten the atmosphere by implementing some focused improvements. Here are some tips to help you. Brighten the Walls To make the most of the sunlight that penetrates into the interior of your home, use white

4 Sleep Tips for When You’re Stuck in Your Serta Bed with the Flu
Ah…ah…choo! Flu season is in full swing, and there’s nothing worse than waking up in the morning with a scratch in the back of your throat and that groggy feeling that signals that the plague is only hours away. Of course, that’s not to say that you are totally defenseless against the evil onslaught that

How To Keep Those Christmas Cookies Fresh
’Tis the season for sweets! Nothing says, “Festive” more than some warm and gooey Christmas cookies. Whether you’re a purist with the almighty chocolate chip cookie, feeling a bit nutty with peanut butter, or you are going all out with something from your ethnic heritage, you want those cookies to last a long, long time.